Einrichten (Furnish) – 2008
Three installations: Ryoan-ji, Brandkugeln (Fire Balls), Hurrikan (Hurricane)
Solo show at Galerie Kunstpunkt, Berlin
Form the press release for the show:
A dry garden that gets wet feet, a rug spun by artificial wind, non-flammable forest fire balls. In current design trends – and not least in art – references to nature have long been in vogue. Susanne Lorenz takes this trend and speculatively applies it to our knowledge of and ability to predict climate change. The works feature motifs of existing or expected climatic shifts at the same time as quoting current interior design favourites. In a broader sense, the works appear as items of furniture based on design trends. The leaf-covered balls which contain flickering candle bulbs and emit the sound of burning wood (E70, E 90 and E120) may recall popular illuminated spheres or imitation fireplaces. The rug made out of trouser legs in the shape of a hurricane quotes the trend towards deep pile carpets (Kleiner Hurrican).

E120, E90, E70 (Waldbrandkugeln / Forest Fire Balls): steel, plastic twigs, flickering light, crackling sound, diameter 120 / 90 / 70 cm

E120, E90 (Waldbrandkugeln / Forest Fire Balls), detail