Rote Hügellandschaft (Red Hilly Landscape) - 1999
WModel of Plasticine and Cardboard. Competition "Stadtplatz" (City Site), Kulturamt Treptow
1st Prize. Shredded Rubber (for Athletic Surfaces). Foundation of Soil and Gravel. Area 400 qm.
With the design Rote Hügellandschaft (Red Hilly Landscape), 1999, which won first prize in a competition written by the Kulturamt Treptow and the Kunst-am-Bau-Büro, Susanne Lorenz formally seizes upon a familiar motif from her garden installation nach Japan: ten hills of soil, covered with red shredded rubber positioned at the end of the main street of a recently finished housing development in Berlin-Treptow. It was a lack of orientation points in this very flat area that inspired the artist to pursue a baroque "point de vue” and design Rote Hügellandschaft, whose surface material has a purpose: the children of the adjacent elementary school should be able to actively use the piece.
(Katja Reich)

Ansicht Tiburtiusstraße

Ansicht Schule am Mohnweg / Mohnweg