Schwimmring (Swim Ring) - 2009
Project for a floating swimming pool with plant-based water purification for the Arsenale in Venice
Biological water filters: Dr. Stephan Pflugmacher
The “Schwimmring” is a project for a floating swimming pool roughly 40 metres across, divided into a round swimming pool and an outer ring with pontoons and plant-filled water basins providing water purification. The planned location is the harbour basin of the Arsenale in Venice. The “Schwimmring” is accessed from the dockside by shuttle boot.
The pool is fed by water from the Lagoon that flows into the plant-filled basins where it is cleaned before being ready for swimming in. Regular purification of the swimming water is also provided by the plant basins.
The shape of the swimming pool is a reference to the apocalyptic vision of Venice sinking: the “Schwimmring” can be used whatever the water level, making it suitable for use as a rescue island. But the design is not merely an adaptive response to forecasts of further rises in water level and increasing pollution, since the operation of the swimming pool will result in a constant process of purification of the water in the Lagoon. As a result, a future scenario is conceivable where the water in the swimming pool is no longer separated from that surrounding it, where it would be possible to bathe directly in the Lagoon.

The “Schwimmring” as a floating swimming pool with plant-based water purification

The “Schwimmring” as a floating swimming pool with plant-based water purification

Exhibition view of the models at the show "Zur Nachahmung empfohlen", Uferhallen Berlin Sept. 3 – Oct. 12, 2010

Model of the “Schwimmring”. Scale: 1:35

Model of the "Grüne Leber" (Green Liver) plant-based water purification system by Dr. Stephan Pflugmacher

Model of the “Schwimmring”